Appchkr Uptime and Latency Monitoring Software
Intuitive, Powerful Checking, Alerting, and Reporting
Appchkr tracks uptime and latency of the world's busiest websites...
![Stone Pinnacle [EG]](/img/stone-pinnacle.jpg)
Maximize Uptime
- Now, more than ever, your organization needs the highest uptime and lowest latency possible on its crucial Internet equipment -- web servers, mailservers, databases, gateways, and all the others, whether running on Windows, Linux, Unix, Oracle, Cisco, Juniper, or any other system. Get it with an Appchkr that fits your need.
- Install now FREE More download choices. Buy
Monitoring that's Free Forever...
- All Appchkrs are free forever for 10 targets, and their single step pricing for more is unmatched anywhere for simplicity, predictability, and economy: Pay only for the targets you actually check, not for some arbitrary higher number.
Monitoring that's Easy to Use
- The Appchkrs are designed first and foremost to be quickly installed and setup, intuitive, and easy to use, so that you
don't have to spend time fiddling with your uptime monitor. Appchkrs work for you, not the other way around.
Monitoring that's Universal
- Unlike most Uptime Monitoring Systems you'll find on the web the Appchkrs monitor private or semi-private networks, as well as the public network, all in the same package, without special effort. Get it now.
Uptime Monitoring that has it all
- The Appchkrs focus exclusively on uptime and connect-time latency monitoring to give you the most complete feature set available anywhere, without unrelated distractions. A complete set of defaults make setup ridiculously quick and simple while preserving your options for future needs. Appchkr is your ultimate uptime and latency monitoring product. You'll never need another.
- Start with an Appchkr now, for free More download choices. Buy
Monitoring that's powerful
- Monitor your public servers and their entire support infrastructure behind your firewall, from one place, all together. Appchkr alerts pinpoint the culprit in the chain immediately when your public web, mail, ftp, or other server goes down, making for quick restoration of service and you a hero. All without the limitation of installing and maintaining agents everywhere. What a relief! Runs on Linux and Windows interchangeably so you can use it anywhere. Targets any OS.
- Organizations selecting an Appchkr are found worldwide...
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