Innovation + Implementationâ„ 

Download Appchkrs

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Includes all Appchkr types. Select the type during installation.

Free forever for 10 targets.

The free verion of an Appchkr must be updated occasionally to the current release, always freely available from this site, in order to continue operating.


What is a target?

  • One target is one networked application running on one machine and listening on one port.
  • That program running on 10 machines constitutes ten targets.
  • Ten instances of that program (on ten different ports) running on one machine likewise constitute ten targets.
  • If that application uses two ports, both of which need to be checked, it constitutes two targets.

Buy an Appchkr license for a larger number of targets.

DOWNLOAD for FREE - no credit card required.

Current Release is 1.311

Download Install zip
Universal installation file for either Windows or Linux (32 or 64 bit) and any Appchkr type
Installation instructions

Runs on any MS Windows™(7, 8, 10) or classsic Linux computer (Redhat, Ubuntu, Debian etc.), 32 or 64 bit.

Remotely managable from any web browser on any OS.

Checks targets running on any operating system.


Windows 10 self-install file (64 bit only) and any Appchkr type

Download Install exe

Double click on the downloaded exe file on MSWin10 to install it.
Click on 'More info', then 'Run anyway' if a Microsoft Smart Screen warning mistakenly pops up.
Files from Nova Software are code signed and certified safe by Comodo.

Subscribers receive updates automatically and choose when to install them.

Release notes

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Looking for a previous release?

How can I download an earlier release of a Appchkr?

In order to bring you the most economical software possible Nova Software only supports download of the current release of the Appchkrs. Our generous update policy, strict backward compatibility committment, and quick and troublefree update process insure that all users can safely and effortlessly run the current release.


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